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Become a Member

Want to start enjoying your teenager again AND keep the excellent communication going through all the future bumps in the road?

Join our community of proactive parents who prioritize maintaining a good relationship even when it's hard.

Step One: Reset Your Relationship With Your Teen

It only takes two weeks!

Seriously. Spend fewer than 10 minutes a day watching short videos and answering a few questions that get you in the headspace to have a transformative conversation with your teen.


It's all laid out in a fool-proof, step-by-step course that you access from our app, so you can do it anywhere. 


AND, I'll be with you every step of the way in live, online Office Hours to answer your questions and coach you through the process.

Positive communication between a father and daughter using resilience skills learned from the MacDermottMethod.

How it Works

Smiling parent and child engaging in open communication.

Step Two: Master Great Communication With Our "Tune Up" Tools and Weekly Conversation Starters

Once you've reset your relationship, you'll want to keep the great communication going. 


This can feel awkward at first, so I give you a set of foundational tools to help with the challenges that will naturally arise:

  • Listen Like a Pro

  • Master the Check-In

  • Prevent Defensiveness

  • Speak the Language of Needs

  • Set Good-Feeling Boundaries

  • Use Conflict to Build Understanding

I also give you weekly conversation starters that allow you and your teen to practice communicating well, so these newfound skills become powerful, relationship-enhancing habits.


These tools are exclusive for members.

Tune Up

Step Three: Troubleshoot the Tough Spots With Live Coaching

No matter how good your communication skills are, you are going to have some rocky patches, as conflict is a natural part of almost all relationships.


The good news is conflict can actually bring you closer, if you can keep a clear head and an open heart. 


Together we can talk things through, so you can feel confident doing those more difficult things like advocating for your own needs, preventing entitlement, and enforcing boundaries.

Kristin MacDermott, resilience expert.
Office Hours
Parent and child using resilience techniques to strengthen their relationship.


Starting in September Kristin will be launching monthly webinars of various topics requested by members, and members will get free access.

Private Community Facilitated by Kristin

Connect with other members, share ideas, and interact with Kristin in a private community.

Discounts on future offerings

We will be rolling out many new offerings in the coming year and members will get discounts and exclusive access.

Additional Perks of Membership

Other perks

What You Get


The 14-Day Parent/Teen Relationship Reset

Reset your relationship with your teen in two weeks.

Trust us. It works.

Value: $99.99

building happy family units.webp


Office Hours with Kristin MacDermott, LMFT

Join Kristin and other proactive parents in live, online zoom sessions to get your parenting questions answered.

Offered twice a month at different times and days.

Value: $1200/year



"Tune-Up" Tools

There are certain tools every parent needs to communicate effectively, prevent and resolve conflict, and navigate the inevitable challenges of the teenage years.

Actually, these tools help in all relationships.

Value: $49.99

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Monthly Webinars

Join Kristin for monthly live webinars on pressing topics requested by members.

Value: $300

14 day parenting.webp


Weekly "Conversation Starter" Emails

Getting your teen to talk to you is an ongoing challenge. Let us help with simple conversation prompts right in your inbox.

Value: priceless

building happy family units.webp


Private Community facilitated by Kristin

Join other parents who have Reset Their Relationships in a private community facilitated by Kristin.

Value: priceless

Image by Kenny Eliason

Value: $1649.98


Membership - Monthly Plan



Every month

Set yourself up for success and put the joy back in parenting!

Valid until canceled

Membership - Annual Plan



Valid for 12 months

Membership - Monthly for Reset parents



Every month

Already paid $99.99 for the 14-Day Reset? This plan's for you.

Valid until canceled
90 day free trial

Monthly payments begin after three months

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