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Ask Yourself the Big Questions Every Once in a While

Life is busy. There is much to get done. Weeks and months can fly by with us feeling like we’re running to catch up with things we put into motion a while ago. If we don’t zoom out every once in a while to align ourselves with the bigger picture, we can forget why we’re even doing all these things and start to feel demoralized.

  • What is the meaning of life?

  • What is my purpose?

  • What brings me joy?

The answers to these questions matter. They literally shape our lives, console us when we’re feeling overwhelmed, and serve as guideposts when we find ourselves lost.

We each get to decide what will give our lives meaning, a sense of purpose, and moments of genuine joy. The options are infinite, and the journey of deciding what matters most to us is a gift in and of itself. It can also be a heartbreak. But even within the disappointments, failures and losses are opportunities to redefine what matters.

If we shy away from these larger questions–if we fail to have the courage to confront the immensity of them–we deprive ourselves of the chance to anchor our anxious minds on thoughts and beliefs that can calm, soothe and inspire us.

What gives your life meaning and a sense of purpose, and what brings you joy?


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